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FotoSketcher 3.60 简体中文绿色版 - 强大图片素描化工具

更新时间:2020-07-28 23:20:52    浏览次数:763+次

FotoSketcher 是一款很简便且强大的图片素描化工具,处理速度很快,可以帮助你创建真实素描效果的艺术作品。

免费软件 FotoSketcher 现在有二十多种自动素描方式,如铅笔素描效果、水墨效果、油漆效果、像素化、彩色圆圈、卡通、活力照片、老式照片等等。制作素描图时,FotoSketcher 可以实时预览,具体试一下就知道是什么效果的。


新版 FotoSketcher 增加了很多功能,打开一张图片后会自动弹出绘制参数对话框 (Drawing parameters),每种方式也都可以调整很多参数,如颜色强度、明亮度、纹理设置等,还可以添加文本,支持中文输入,也支持批量处理。

FotoSketcher 绘图参数


绿色免安装版,2020/7/28 更新版本为 FotoSketcher v3.60

下载解压后直接运行 FotoSketcher.exe 即可,默认显示简体中文界面,所有配置信息会保存到 FotoSketcher.ini 文件中。

FotoSketcher.exe 为64位版、FotoSketcher_32bit.exe 为32位版。

FotoSketcher 绿色版

FotoSketcher v3.60 更新日志

  1. UI/UX improvements (new splash screen, new material design icons in menus, for both light and dark themes, support for the keyboard right and left keys in the parameters window).
  2. Better brushstroke placement in the Painting 4 algorithm.
  3. Support for High Definition export in Painting 4 (up to 20,000x20,000 pixels).
  4. Possibility of loading and optimizing multiple custom brushes in Painting 4.
  5. Saving of Painting 4 custom brushes in a .fsk parameters file.
  6. Support for a different background color in the Oil Pastel sketch and Painting 4 effects.
  7. Speed improvement for Pencil Sketch 1.
  8. Bug fix in Painting 7.
  9. New tool available to reset the .ini file if FotoSketcher crashes on startup.

FotoSketcher is a 100% free program which can help you convert your digital photos into art, automatically. If you want to turn a portrait, the photograph of your house or a beautiful landscape into a painting, a sketch or a drawing then look no further, FotoSketcher will do the job in just a few seconds.

FotoSketcher Portable 相关文件下载

软件开发商: David Thoiron
压缩包解压密码: www.portablesoft.org
压缩包MD5+扫描报告: 76E24C626907BD9BC00C6353DFBFDD4D

开始下载 FotoSketcher 3.60 简体中文绿色便携版 / 32位版+64位版
FotoSketcher_3.60_PortableSoft.7z (15.11 MB)
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